Name and address identification as listed above, plus one of the following (issued within the last two months of the registration or renewal date): Non-residents who work, go to school, or own property in Toronto One piece of identification with your name on it (as listed above), OR a letter from a hostel/shelter or social agency that can verify your name.

current letter from a teacher on official school stationery.parent/guardian's identification or parent/guardian's valid and current Toronto Public Library card.Same options listed above for adults, or: *Issued within the last two months of the date of registration or renewal Teens (age 13) Name identification (Talk to staff about having a postcard mailed to you) Toronto Public Library mailed registration postcard.current legal document (subpoena, parole, or bail).Bills, leases, and legal documents must have been issued within the last two months of the date of registration or renewal. Expired documents or self-written name and address are not acceptable. If you don't have any of the above, you must present one piece of identification from the Name Identification list and one piece of identification from the Address Identification list. Adults Name and address with photo (no other ID required) The following are types of identification the library will accept.

To get a library card or renew your card, you will need to bring valid and current name and address identification to your local branch.